Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So many turtles live with trash and litter in their environments when they do not have to. People are too careless nowadays and do not take the time to reduce the risks these animals have to face. Allowing things such as being too lazy to clean up the environment, consciously littering, and letting runoff from landfills spill into our oceans does not make our world any cleaner! Our lives only become worse from this happening! All of these factors can possibly lead to even worse occurrences as well.

Specifically, turtles become a main target of ocean debris because they eat anything that remotely seems edible. Researchers and environmentalists have to keep a constant alert on the waters for turtles that need rescuing from ocean trash. Sometimes the turtles just swim right past the trash, not even noticing it, but for the turtles that have choked on, or ingested plastic, they can die. That leaves only the hope that the rescuers get to them before they starve.

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